Astronix Network

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🎮 Game Modes: survival

Astronix Network

More About Astronix Network:

Astronix Network is an exceptional cross-play Minecraft survival server from Bangladesh. Its features include an auction house, shops, set home commands, teams, custom terrains and structures, kits, ranks, a jail system, a bank, an economy, custom crates, and jobs. Staff have worked day and night to make this server flawless, and your experience is their top priority. Join today from any Minecraft version ranging from 1.8 to 1.20+ and help make Astronix Network become the best Minecraft server!

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This server was registered on TMSBD on: 2024-06-10 08:57:45, TMSBD server ID: 3

Frequently Asked Questions About Astronix Network:

What is the IP for Astronix Network

The IP for Astronix Network is You can connect to the Astronix Network Minecraft server using the IP:

What gamemodes are on Astronix Network?

Astronix Network server offers diverse gameplay modes such as survival ensuring endless fun for every player. Join Astronix Network today and explore our unique Minecraft community!

What is the discord server link of Astronix Network?

The discord server link of Astronix Network is :